Here's just a small sampling of the projects we've helped simplify.
Breast Cancer Symposium - Hybrid
As covid-19 numbers decreased in-person events started taking shape. We were there to simplify things for the health provider’s annual symposium. We couldn’t leave anyone out of the event though, so we created a hybrid event. Hybrid events bring the video and in-person worlds together, creating a unique opportunity to serve attendees and presenters. When presenters can’t make it, like for this event, we can remotely bring them in live. In this case we used a previously recorded presentation. After which we brought the presenter in for a live Q & A session.
When your presenters are scheduled 6 months to a year in advance, schedules can change. Using a hybrid format allows you to easily pivot, keeping your printed marketing, agendas, and website as-is. Typically you can also save airfare and accommodations, helping keep your bottom line down.
Multidisciplinary Robotic Genitourinary Reconstructive Symposium - Virtual
This event, all virtual, was the first featuring this subject matter, in the country, maybe the world. We were honored to be a part of it. Given it was such an important subject matter, presenters and attendees from all over the country needed to have access. Over three days we utilized green rooms, recorded and live presentations, attendee held desk, chat management, recording and on-demand library for future viewing.
Gastroenterology and Hepatology Symposium
This was a really fun team to work with planning and the day of show. The agenda called for interactive case discussions to conclude every segment. To keep our attendees engaged we kept the stage moving. Shifting focus from moderator to presenters, even moving attendees on the state when asking questions.
To keep things on time. The event utilized a timer that we moved on to the stage 5 minutes before end, removing it after 30 seconds. When only two minutes is remained, we moved the timer on the stage again, this time allowing it to stay for the full 2 minutes. Do you have a way to keep your events running on time, honoring everyone’s time equally?